Warli Art


Warli painting was first discovered in the 10th century AD, and some say it can be traced back to 2500 BC.


  • At Nareshwadi Learning Centre (NCL), you can find both Warli paintings and wooden products made by our students as well as village youth, who used to be unemployed.

    Vocational Activity

    Our children are taught Warli painting as a vocational activity since an early age, to hone their skills in this traditional art form.

    Paintings made by older students are sold, to help with their higher education. 50% of the net revenue is deposited into the student’s bank account, accessible upon graduation from Nareshwadi.

    Unemployed village youth are also trained in carpentry and Warli painting. The selling of the products of these artists enables to generate income, and to create a stable and sustainable financial situation for our community’s youth.

  • We believe in learning from each other, manifested in the way lessons are designed to facilitate peer leaning.

    • Traditional Warli painting was used to decorate the walls of the houses of the Warli community depicting a normal work day in their lives.
    • It is expressed through picturesque vocabulary, in the form of circles, triangles and squares unique to this art form.
    • The inspiration comes from nature and form their lives, the circle being the sun and the moon and the triangle representing mountains and trees. The square which is invariably the central motif depicts a sacred enclosure of fertile land blessed by a goddess.
    • This central motif is surrounded by vivid scenes of farming, fishing, hunting, dances and nature, all of which are a part of their daily lives.